Where's the proof?! |
Where's the Evidence?
Why don't I believe?
That is a good question, and it is one I have spent a lot of time thinking about and refining.
If you are a Christian from the same vein of theology I came from, you might not have the right picture of why I am who I am, and why I don't believe. This post is largely for you, although I also want to make it clear to everyone where I stand and why I am no longer a Christian. I am not trying to change anyone's mind here, but rather to give everyone some food for thought and a better understanding of who I am.
Who doesn't like a beer? |
"Maybe you want to be sinful!"
At least that's what I would have said when I was a Christian. I had been told many different things about unbelievers, both from teachers and the Bible. Perhaps the one I was told the most was that unbelievers actually do know god exists, they are just "suppressing" that truth so they can live as disgusting and sinful of a life as they desire. Basically, an atheist is merely someone that wants to go to strip clubs, sleep with prostitutes, have sex with people of the same gender, murder people, and get super high on acid. Oh, and don't forget blaspheming Jesus, and giving god the middle finger. So, atheists are evil, and want to be their own gods rather than obey the true god.
The "lusts of the flesh" drive the atheist to do heinous, and wicked things. And they just can't sacrifice their lusts in order to obey the lord, and thus act as if they don't believe.
But that wasn't why I became an atheist, nor why I am still one.
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Yup, that's teenage me. You are welcome. |
"Alright, then maybe you are foolish, and have a foolish worldview!"
Another reason atheists were atheists was because they were fools, and their worldview was based on nonsensical ideas. To be an atheist, as Answers in Genesis (a leading fundamentalist, young earth creationist Christian group) puts it when claiming atheists are fools,
"Presuppositions play an important role in apologetics. Everyone has starting assumptions (presuppositions) that they assume to be true at the onset of an argument. For example, an atheist has the presupposition that God does not exist and that the universe and life arose naturalistically. Bible-believing Christians, however, have the presupposition that God exists, He has revealed Himself to us in His Word, and that the Bible, because it is God’s Word, is the true history (and future!) of the universe. These two sets of presuppositions are quite obviously very different. It is through our presuppositions that we interpret the universe as we seek to answer questions about past events or the purposes involved in those events."
So, atheists presuppose god isn't real, and that everything is purely naturalistic. They don't have the right presuppositions (e.g. the Bible is true, god is real), and thus their conclusions about the world are foolish. Most of the time Christians go into further detail (like they do) and ask about morality, logic, etc., but the argument really boils down to "you are wrong because I already decided beforehand that you are wrong, 'cause I presuppose the Bible is right".*
But I didn't presuppose god wasn't real, nor that everything is naturalistic. I still don't. And yet I don't believe.
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Me in the mornings... |
"Are you angry with god then? Did something happen in your life to make you bitter against him?"
From personal conversations, to sermons, to the movie "God is not Dead", atheists are often portrayed as just being angry with god. Maybe their parent's abused them, or their friends betrayed them, or a church was really mean. Thus they are bitter, harsh people who are just really pissed off with the almighty, and should be pitied and prayed for.
Is this true of me?
Now, I have had bad church experiences before, and I've had things that make me angry with who I was and what I was sometimes taught, I won't deny that. But that's not why I became an atheist (it was a catalyst that helped move me towards questioning my beliefs, but that's not why I left them). And I can say very openly and honestly, I'm not angry at god. How can I be angry with something I don't think exists? It's like being angry with fairies or Thor to me.
What's your point?
"So if none of these is why you are an atheist, what is your reason?"
Alright, I probably should finish this post. So, here goes nothing.
I am an atheist, because I haven't been given enough evidence to support the claim that a god exists.
Yes, that is it. That's all. I haven't been given enough evidence.
For several years, I tried to find it. I read books, listened to sermons, read the Bible, listened to apologists, talked with other Christians. But through all my searching, I never found any substantial proof that there is a god, much less that the god of Christianity is real.
I am truly sorry if you were expecting a massive logical argument that god isn't real, or that Christianity is wrong. It may be a bit of a let-down. But this is why I am an atheist, nothing more, nothing less. The reason I don't believe in fairies, or a giant universe-creating tortoise is the same reason I don't believe in a god. I just don't have enough proof.
Is there proof? I don't know. But so far, I haven't found it.
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